Trade Data Analysis Workshop in Mininstry of Industries Commerce and Supplies, Nepal


The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies (MoICS), Nepal organized a five-day data analysis workshop in Kathmandu. The workshop was attended by more than 15 participants from various sections and offices under MoICS and was facilitated by Mr. Mohan Pudasain

Jul 8, 2021 10:00 AM — Jul 13, 2021 5:00 PM
Trade Data Analysis Workshop in Mininstry of Industries Commerce and Supplies, Nepal
Ministry of Industries,Commerce and Supplies,

The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies (MoICS) organized a five-day data analysis workshop in Kathmandu, Nepal. The workshop was attended by more than 15 participants from various sections and offices under MoICS and was facilitated by Mr. Mohan Pudasaini.

The main focus of the workshop was trade data analysis using R, with the aim of gaining insights and values from the data. The workshop was held from July 8, 2021, to July 13, 2021.During the workshop, participants were trained on various aspects of data analysis, including data cleaning, processing, and statistical analysis. They also learned how to visualize data and use it to identify trends and patterns.I hopes that the knowledge gained from the workshop will be applied to improve trade policies and programs in Nepal. By using data to make evidence-based decisions

In the closing ceremony of the workshop, Joint Secretary of MoICS Mr. Prakash Dahal emphasized the importance of data analysis in the context of trade ministry and its impact on policy making. He also wished all the participants a better future, hoping that they would apply the knowledge they had gained to their work in the ministry.

Mohan Kumar Pudasaini
Mohan Kumar Pudasaini
Data Analyst||Risk Analyst

Passionate about utilizing data to uncover valuable insights and drive actionable outcomes.