- Basics R:
- Introduction of R
- Interacting with R and R studio
- R studio Handling
- Data types
- Data structure
- Packages in R and its installation
- Set working directory
- Import various types of files in R (such as Excel, STATA, and SPSS)
- Data cleaning functions -Select, rename, mutate using dplyr, filter, arrange, summaries, group_by, slice,s etc
- Exporting the data to excel
- Create a contingency table.
- The basic concept to create the graph using ggolot2
- Argument and properties of ggplot2
- Scatter plot
- Add some elements to the theme and apply the pre-built theme.
- Boxplot
- Bar chart
- Histogram
- Line chart
- Basics Statistics Concept:
- Concept of statistical tests and their terminology (Hypothesis, model fit, Population and Sample, Standard Error, Confidence interval, Effect Size, type of Error) Check Assumptions
- Exploring the assumption of the parametric test
- Normality test- Histogram,
- Density Curve,
- Q-Q Plot, Skewness, Kurtosis
- Shapiro Wilk Test,
- Kolmogorov Smirnov test
- Homogeneity of variance test- Leven’s Test
- Dealing with Outliers
- Correlation:
- Carl Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient and correlation test.
- Concept of Coefficient of Determination
- Spearman and Kendall tau Correlation Test
- Partial Correlation test
- Point Biserial and Biserial Correlation test
- Linear Regression:
- Basics Concept of Regression -Intercept, Coefficient, SST, SSM, SSR, etc
- Simple regression model Fit and interpret the outcome.
- Multiple Linear Regression
- Test the accuracy of the Model
- Detect the outliers of sample data: Residuals, and standardized residuals.
- Detect the influential points in sample data
- Run the multiple regression and interpret the result
- Durbin Watson test- for Independence of error check
- VIF- Variance influence factor- For multicollinearity
- Breusch Pagan test- Homogeneity
- Graphical Method for assumptions check.
- Regression with dummy Coding.
- Logistic Regression:
- Logistics regression: Concepts
- Terminology: Log Likelihood, Wald Test, odds, odd ratio
- Probable Error in Logistics regression: Incomplete Information, Complete separation, overdispersion
- Binary logistics regression Model fitting
- Test the accuracy: chi-square test, Pseudo R square
- Interoperate the model coefficient and odd ratio
- Case wise diagnostic
- Testing for multicollinearity
- Comparing Means(T-test):
- T-test and its assumptions
- Independent and dependent t-test
- Welch t-test
- Checking the assumption of the t-test
- Interpretation and application of t-test
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA):
- Introduction to ANOVA
- Theory of ANOVA
- Checking the Assumptions of ANOVA
- Interpretation of ANOVA result
- Dummy Coding and Contrast setting
- Post hoc test
- Effect Size
- Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA):
- Introduction to ANCOVA
- Procedure of ANCOVA
- Concept of Sum of squares
- Interaction effects
- Interpretation of ANCOVA
- Contrast in ANCOVA
- Two-way analysis of Variance:
- Introduction to two-way ANOVA
- The procedure of two-way ANOVA
- Interpretation of two-way ANOVA
Details of the dates and times for the programs: Click here