Data analysis and machine learning course in Python

Expected outcomes:

  • Gain a solid understanding of Python programming fundamentals.
  • Learn the basics of data analysis using Python libraries like Pandas.
  • Develop the ability to use Python for various data analysis and visualization tasks.
  • Gain hands-on experience using Jupyter Notebook as your development environment.
  • Be prepared to tackle real-world data analysis projects after building a foundational skillset.
  • Develop in-demand skills valuable in the field of data analysis.

Targeted group:

  • Data Analysts/Data scientist: Currently working with different software and looking to expand their skills by learning Python for data analysis.
  • Students: Interested in starting a career in data analysis or data science and want to learn the basics of data analysis using Python.
  • Researchers and Scholars: Who need to analyze data for their thesis, research projects, or academic papers.
  • Educators and Teachers: Who want to incorporate data analysis and visualization into their curriculum or learn Python as a tool for teaching data science..
  • Business Professionals: Who need to analyze data for their work and want to learn a powerful and versatile programming language for data analysis

Course duration :

25 hours

Prior knowledge of python:

Not required

Teaching method:

Theoretical and hands-on sessions

Using the operators in the table below, ask Python to solve these difficult math equations:

Assign to a Variable, Add, Subract, Multiply, Divide, Power, Integer Divide, Remainder after Division
= + - * / ** // %


Example: What is two plus three?

2 + 3

What is two times three?

write code here

What is two to the third power?

write code here

How many (whole) times does 7 go into 100?

write code here